Friday, May 30, 2003

29 May 2003
Song: Henri Mulet, Tu Es Petra

Tonight as I was putting tools away in the garage I realized that I have a serious philosophical discrepency. I have the contradictions between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance within me. Deep down, I believe in a nearly immutable dignity of man. (Rapists, serial murderers and child molestors are an exception of course.) Man is human, but this humanity is good. We are flawed creatures from the fall and loss of the Garden of Eden, but we are fundamentally good creatures. Our endeavors are often good things, although a high percentage of endeavors are for base reasons. From a goodness in man and the ability to recognize the goodness in others comes the trust which forms the basis of the social contract. Thats the Renaissance Humanism within. Now comes Medievalism. I believe that there are mysterious things beyond our reasoning and knowledge. I believe that God should come before base desires. I think courtly love can work in its own perverse and sad way. I am fairly staunch in my Catholicism, and yeah I seem to go for heirarchies. But everyone will answer to God. Women inspire men to goodness. And pain is more often better good for us than we want to admit.
So here I stand like the Colossus of Rhodes straddling two disparate banks. Oh well.

Tuesday, May 27, 2003

26 May 2003
Monday, Memorial Day

Ok, I've been sitting at the computer for something like two hours and my eyes will probably go on strike soon. I've printed like half a ream of paper out on articles on Model T Ford performance. Rather paradoxical don't you think? Here I am using current technology (or almost, we still have a bloody dial-up connection) for period technology. Interestingly, the Model T Camshaft Project was started by the observation that low-milage original Ts seemed to run better than stock rebuilds. It turned out that the original camshafts worked very well with the eccentricites of an engine that never hit 2000 rpms. Frankly, I'm happy to see that they could design something kickass in 1912 but that we took it for granted because a lot of people don't want to think that old crap could have been better than new crap. But enough of that.
I keep getting epiphanies about various subjects, and then I forget them by the time I get to this. Figures. In the meantime, this lovely piece of Compaq-built junk is being particularly sluggish online. Its amazing how much you take for granted with computers. At school, I had a machine that I've known intimately for the four years of technical mishaps, papers, mp3s, and reformatted hard drive I've had it. I had lots of insomnia and mostly good internet connections. I started the blog you're reading now. Now I'm stuck at home with no Kazaa and only sixteen mp3s to blast in the middle of the night. And either way, I'm still not getting enough practice time at the console!

Monday, May 26, 2003

25 May 2003
Song: The Special Goodness: Life Goes By

Many years ago, Sunday became somewhat irreligious to the working class as it was the only time when they could just chill. Today was the same for me. Sort of. Went to Mass last night and got the organist who is a pianist who can pedal somewhat. He still plays in a rather choppy fashion and he doesn't get elongating final phrases of hymns. Then again, no one had the patience to wait for the priest to get out the door before they had to beat him to the parking lot. But that got the obligation out of the way. Afterwards I went and visited a friend.
Sunday we went and saw off friends of ours. A delegation of Model Ts are driving to the Ford plant in Michigan in honor of the 100th Anniversary of FoMoCo. We went and saw off our buddies with a 1912 Touring car. Almost no one we knew was there so I'm glad we went. Otherwise it was an uneventful day. I always end up writing blogs when I'm zonked and never have anything interesting to say. Oh well, I should start doing them in the daytime.

Friday, May 23, 2003

22 May 2003

Dear readers, don't take anything for granted. You never know when it will become lost to you. Once it is lost, what do you do?

Wednesday, May 21, 2003

20 May 2003

This is my second day of working on a most recalcitrant Model T Ford. Except for the front wheel bearings, everything I have touched is in marginal condition at best. But it seemed to run well last time, so I'm hoping the engine won't be a disaster by the time I get to it. It probably will. Either way I'm annoyed at it and whomever was the builder. Aside from that life goes on, and I am too tired to think of something worth writing. Oh wait, I was watching something on the Sci-Fi Channel about the nature of evil. It made me realize how much one of my buddies would buy into the church of satan. One of the beliefs of that group is that man is no more an exalted creature than other animals. But, as man has philosophical and spiritual visions, man is potentially the most dangerous and savage of beasts. Scary stuff, and I'd say an idea very detrimental to society as we know it. But I must get to bed.

Monday, May 19, 2003

18 May 2003

No Mass seems to be safe anymore! Last week, I had Godawful music with wishy-washy performances otherwise. This week, the place was beyond packed. Turns out that there was a First Holy Communion and every kid's third cousin was there to witness the event. With all the people there the acoustics were drier than Death Valley. It was hot, and of course when they should have moved everything along one woman had to bear witness about how my parish completely changed her life. These things get formulaic: "I was not raised with religion, then something bad happened to me/someone I know, then I talked to God, then I went to Church, then I became Catholic and everything is great and my child/husband/cat is getting confirmed sometime in the future. Thunderous applause of course. Sometimes I wonder if you tell a group of people anything positive about themselves will they just eat it up. I think they will.

Noteworthy also was hanging out with a friend I haven't seen since January. We took it right where we'd left things. People are amazing.

Saturday, May 17, 2003

17 May 2003

I am out of sorts tonight. Big dinner leading on to acid reflux can do that sort of thing to you. I spent several hours today helping my father wrestle a big hydraulic press into the garage. He didn't measure the size of it before bringing it home, and we had to take some of it apart. Children, measure things before buying them! Now what really bugged me about the whole incident, and yes it became a disaster, was that this was something we didn't even need. Dad got this because it was bigger than the old one and he had $150 into something second hand that cost $5000 new. This little debacle pretty much killed Dad's and my day. Meanwhile the garage still has more disassembled projects than I can shake a stick at. Dad has serious problems just saying no to himself, and it bugs the heck out of me.
In other news, I hate dialup modem connections. I tried to download Kazaa last night, and after waiting 20 minutes for the program to download I lost patience.

Thursday, May 15, 2003

14 May 2003
Song: Fejko, Life Dance (thank you

I have began taking invasive measures. Dad made new files verbotten on his computer, so there went AIM. As it turns out, an old version was still on Dad's computer, so its not a new file technically. I'll just make sure to hide it in Windows where he won't find it. My first thought: blogging. I was on IM tonight and a buddy said "Blogging" and later "Blogged." Now doesn't it honestly sound like some sort of biological function or something that you shouldn't mention around food? "I went into the bushes and blogged earlier." Ok so anyway, on to my day. Today I just did miscellanous things and little errands. I helped Dad a but with his racer. Oh yeah, there's a Dave Grohl acoustic cover that reminds me a lot of one of my friends. He has been properly notified. I think right now whats on my mind besides the usuals of hunger and the need to do my daily spiritual exercise is how odd it it what endures in this world. Earlier I was looking up addresses of friends along the West Coast, and how its bittersweet how they all go off do differend places as they fulfill their lives. And of all these friends, you remember them for different things in different ways. It reminds me of Shakespeare's quote of all the world being a stage and us the players. We indeed do play many parts. One gentlemen I met much too late to really get to know this school year and my hopes are that he either gets a local job or is good with correspondance. A lovely freshman in choir doesn't know if she'll be able to get back to school this year, but I'll remember her for once saying when I complained of the cold "yeah, and I'm wearing a fucking skirt." She rock. Plus she gave me a monkee at our Christmas party. At Scrapbook Signing, some chick I never met before used the epithet "you motherfuckin assgoblin!" It was part of a story or something. That was an awesome line, and with a mind like that I wish I had done shots with her. Anyway, back to the Shakespeare. So often I look at all that is this life and think its like a movie. A movie that is wierd, convoluted, and unnecessarily obtuse in every way but still compelling enough that you have to sit through because you must know how it ends. Only, I want to pause and go back over the nice scenes and lovely characters that don't always play as full a role as we'd wish.

Sunday, May 11, 2003

11 May 2003
Song: I wish, Dad says I can't fileshare on this computer.

Ok, this is major catching up from the last few days of total insanity. I already spoke about part of Thursday. Turns out at the party I went to that this one guy who I sat next to me in a class he would later drop is a really cool guy. We chatted for a moment about the movie X2. (Thoroughly recommend it btw. Nightcrawler is an awesome character.) Didn't get a chance to say goodbye. And Thursday evening I ended up connecting with the guy who was nice enough to store my stuff this coming summer after stressing that I wouldn't be able to find him. I bumped into a couple buddies in the laundry room, and we saw the immense pile of donated clothing, and dishes, and a computer printer. Of course nothing either fit or became me. And in true form I stayed up all night (save for a 1.5 hour break to sleep after daybreak broke) writing a paper. Finished the damn thing. After that I ran around most of the day doing errands and taking care of loose bits. Packing was less painful than anticipated. I gave a gift to my friend Colleen, and I hope to stay in touch with her this summer. Left contact information with the guy from pizza night, and I hope we stay friends as cool interesting people don't come around as much as they should. Went to the choir final bonding party where I got the Best Choreography Award. (Don't ask.) Jeremy was leaving as soon as I got back. So much for bud's last dinner together. I went to bed as I felt like crap and was going on 1.5 hours sleep. Woke up 2 hours later and stayed up to 4:30 am cleaning the apartment. We thought that you lost your $150 deposit if you left it messy. Nope, you get a $12 cleaning charge. Screw that next time. Saturday I got up reasonably early, loaded the car, returned the car, unloaded the car, got back just in time for rehearsal, sang, checked out, and flew home. Great flight at least. And Moby is very good music to listen to while in the air. I was dead tired, and I slept to about 2 pm today. Had dinner at Grandmas, went to Mass, went back for dessert, visited with a friend, now I'm home and probably going to bed since Dad forbids me the use of AIM.

Friday, May 09, 2003

8 May 2003
Song: The Flaming Lips, Do You Realize

This is Senior Week at school, and tonight was the second to last senior event. We got free pizza and cheap beer while listening to a band made up of seniors,, and basically hung out. I was very late getting there since I had a sort of domestic scheduling mishap and then on the way there met a couple friends I hadn't seen for a while. He's a car guy so we had to shoot the shit. So anyway I get there and see a bunch of people--including a couple graduates I thought would've run away from Spokane years and years ago. And being college, the beer flowed freely. Here I was seeing people that were in my first dorm, people I'd not seen sometimes for years and just picking up like we'd had dinner the night before or something. And I shall not see some of them ever again. Its like when one of the old relative dies, they've just been there and it doesn't seem right when they're suddenly not there. And life goes on. I'm not morose or ready to drown my sadness in a second Wendy's Frosty--they closed an hour ago--but its still just a bit much. Thank God for email. Hopefully I can keep some friendships kindled. Oh, and my second point. Alcohol. I don't drink beer, its just something I really don't like. That and I have some liver damage from being overweight. And here I was, sober as a tightass judge, while people were in various states of intoxication. One rather bitchy aquaintance of mine was being, well bitchy, as she smacked her friends' asses. She didn't smack mine. :0( I saw one guy from my Freshman year who was the quietest guy ever. He was egregious and outgoing. Alcohol really does change people, but I wish that it wasn't necessary to get parties going. Besides, drunk chicks can't waltz or swing dance for shit. Not that I would know...

Thursday, May 08, 2003

7 May 2003
Song: Bizet, Habanera from Carmen, guitar solo

Today I think I finally started getting better. Fellow infirm people will know of drinking mass quantities of liquids. I bought about $10 of orange juice from the campus coffee stand. Finished the last one today. I've been drinking so much that my urine has turned clear. Oh well, better than it turning blue from porphyria. But one more final for tomorrow and a paper due Friday. Luck might actually be with me. Night folks.

Wednesday, May 07, 2003

6 May 2003
Song: Ethel Waters, They'll be Some Changes Made

I've been sick since Sunday night. For the record being sick utterly sucks ass. Last night I went to Senior Scrapbook signing. It was rather a sad experience. Less than 100 showed up, and most of them were beautiful party people. The downside to being an outsider in college is that next to no one knows you exist. My first roommate, or the Man-Bitch as I like to refer to him, went into school politics, has been a senator, ran for student body president and is known to practically everyone. I on the other hand am that guy who plays the organ for the Mass that the old people go to. Fame and immortality are both fickle and fleeting. Maybe I should dance naked at the Mass I have to sing this weekend. That would get a little notoriety. And an arrest probably too. Anyway, its really damn late and I have a paper to write as well as be nice and sick. Plus it seems that my keyboard is malfunctioning, as if the printer wasn't annoying enough earlier today.

Monday, May 05, 2003

4 May 2003
Song: Cesar Franck, Symphony in d minor, 3rd movement

I have been quite the naughty boy and not blogged for some days. Ok. Recap. I finished the last week of my fourth year at Gonzaga. Technically I should be graduating. Cool and interesting people of four years' aquaintance shall move on and I probably will not be seeing some of them ever again. This is a bit melancholy. I intervened for one friend that an old friend still wishes to be within his life and I hope this intervention will bear fruit. Friday night I saw X2 and was taken by the character of Nightcrawler. Now Alan Cumming does kick much ass, but somehow I could really identify with his character. He reminded me that I haven't been terribly pious lately, so the next day I went out and bought a Rosary. Black, dark like me at times. Saturday night was pretty dreadful, original plans fell through due to a combination of sickness and lackadaisicalness. (You know who you are.) So a couple hours later I drove friends to rent a porn dvd. $6 later a bud of mine was the proud owner of some piece of compilation smut-crap. For the most part distinctly non-erotic too. After that for a while, one of the guys got out a copy of the 1994 French flick "Delicatessen." Wonderfully wierd movie, and good musical saw playing too. Today was nothing special, although I think my theory of musical value now rests on the importance of Emotion. What is a piece of music if it does not communicate something of emotion? A grocery list of notes perhaps? Anyway, I've been saying the Rosary for two days now, and it might make a change in me. I hope it will. Sore throat. Finals coming up so I should probably get to bed. Oh, and my bad, is the place to go to see the Bridesmaid Dress Incinerator and the Titanic Wedding Disaster. Good night people.