27 April 2007
Friday 4.45am
Music: Gamelan
Its so very strange. Yes I am completely wierd and out of my head after writing a TPA in a white heat. In the meantime I started downloading "Hearts of Space." Who'd have thought I'd be downloading ambient. Anyway...
I tried the online test to figure what level of Dante's inferno I am damned to. (Seventh.) And as I'm printing up a TPA and organizing transparencies, it occurred to me how very mystical the Catholic faith really can be when you try to apply it fully. My buddy Tdub recently lost his virginity, and that sorta depressed me, as I'm still "pure as snow," and now I'm the last one left. An endangered species I suppose. Now, to be a good Catholic, I am to keep my present unused until I give it to my wife. She hasn't introduced herself yet, so it might take awhile. Temptation is everpresent, and in my caffeine+adrenaline parallel reality state, I thought, "Wow, if I could actually summon the willpower to wait til marriage, wow." It is a tall order, and it makes me wonder at the selfcontrol, mental fortitude, and sense of longing for the hearafter that a number of our saints must surely have.
May it be God's will for me to be among them.
I am shirtless, yet warm. Ladies, still not taken!